Entry Information
Online Registrations are OPEN!
Online Registrations are CLOSING at 9pm Thursday 26th January 2023
Note -Non-affiliated members – require an additional Triathlon Australia race day licence fee (details below). This applies to both Individual and Team entries if applicable. If your race pace timing allows you are able to enter multiple races.
Standard Entry Fees
Nodes 5K Run - Juniors 17Yrs and under
Triathlon Australia Members $15.00
Non Triathlon Australia Members $20.00 (includes a one-day licence with TA)
Nodes 5K Run - Over 18 - 60+ Yrs
Triathlon Australia Members $30.00
Non Triathlon Australia and TA Basic Members $35.00 (includes a one-day licence with TA)
Nodes 10K Run - Juniors 17Yrs and under
Triathlon Australia Members $25.00
Non Triathlon Australia and TA Basic Members $30.00 (includes a one-day licence with TA)
Nodes 10K Run - Over 18 - 60+ Yrs
Triathlon Australia Members $35.00
Non Triathlon Australia and TA Basic Members $40.00 (includes a one-day licence with TA)
TryStars/Tin Lids (7-11Yrs)
Triathlon Australia Members $20.00
Non Triathlon Australia and TA Basic Members $25.00 (includes a one-day licence with TA)
Short Course (Junior)
Triathlon Australia Members $35.00
Non Triathlon Australia and TA Basic Members $40.00 (includes a one-day licence with TA)
Short Course (Senior)
Triathlon Australia Members $40.00
Non Triathlon Australia and TA Basic Members $45.00 (includes a one-day licence with TA)
Long Course
Triathlon Australia Members $50.00
Non Triathlon Australia and TA Basic Members $55.00 (includes a one-day licence with TA)
Note - Non-affiliated members and TA Basic members – require an additional Triathlon Australia race day licence fee (details below). Non-affiliated members are entrants that are NOT Triathlon Australia and Triathlon WA Affiliated members or Triathlon Australia 'Basic' members.
Late Entry Fees
All late entries after 11:59pm 121st January 2023 will incur and additional $10 late entry fee
Online Registrations are CLOSING at 9pm Thursday 26th January 2023
TA Licence Requirements
Current 2022/2023 Triathlon Australia and Triathlon WA Standard and Premium affiliated members will need to provide a valid membership number during the registration process. Non-affiliated and TA Basic member entries will require purchase of a Triathlon Australia one day membership for race day that provides them a One Day Licence (ODL) for insurance purposes. See further details on insurance at - http://www.triathlon.org.au/Membership/Insurance.htm
Late Entries
Late entries will be available after 9pm AWST Saturday 21st January 2022 subject to race entry slots still being available. Please note that all late entries after Saturday 21st January 2022 at 9pm WST will incur an additional $10 late payment fee for individual entries and for Teams.
Should limited places still be available and you would like to register as a late entry please see our team at the race location - Whitford Nodes Park, Hillarys early on race morning (before 6:15am) or at XTR Multisports, Royce Court, Joondalup between 11am and 3pm on Saturday 28th January 2023.
No refunds are offered if you wish to withdraw from the event. All entries are non transferable to other events or future events.
The following are the terms and conditions of entry of XTR Multisports / Team XTR for the Joondalup Nodes Quest Event. These terms are not negotiable and by accepting an entry to the event via the event registration system and paying the entry fees you are hereby acknowledging your acceptance of our terms and conditions (For competitors under 18, a parent or guardian must accept). WARNING: This is a legal document that affects your rights, if you are uncertain or uncomfortable with some of the conditions of registration then we recommend that you obtain advice to ensure you understand and accept the conditions of entry. I agree to participate in this event on the following basis:
1. I acknowledge that competitive sporting events involve the real risk of serious injury or even death from various causes including overexertion, equipment failure, dehydration, accidents with other competitors, spectators or road users, and course or weather conditions and other causes.
2. I understand that I should not participate in this event unless I have trained appropriately and will be in a fit state to complete the event safely. I acknowledge that if I am aware of an existing medical condition and uncertain of my state of fitness then a medical practitioner should verify my physical condition.
3. By participating, I accept all risks necessarily flowing from my participation that could result in injury, loss of life or permanent injury. Accordingly, I release all persons or corporations associated directly or indirectly with the conduct of the event from all claims demands and proceedings arising out of my participation and I hereby indemnify them against, all liability (including liability for their negligence and negligence of others) for all injury, loss or damage arising out of or connected with my participation in this event. This release shall extend to and include XTR Multisports, Team XTR Triathlon Club Inc., Triathlon Western Australia, Triathlon Australia, its members, state and territory triathlon associations, Joondalup City Council, event sponsors, event marshals and their respective directors, partners, managers, officers, agents, contractors, employees and volunteers including event medical and paramedical personnel. This release and indemnity continues forever and binds my heirs, executors, personal representatives and assigns.
4. I consent to receiving any medical treatment including ambulance transportation that event organisers think desirable during or after the event.
5. I have provided correct details of any medical or physical conditions from which I suffer that might affect my performance or be relevant if medical treatment is needed. I accept the risk of participating despite these conditions. I have supplied an emergency contact name and number, this person is contactable both during and after the event and is not another participant.
6. I understand that compulsory insurance cover for participants in this event may not cover for all injury, loss or damage sustained by me.
7. Safety precautions undertaken by organisers (such as course supervision, race safety briefings, water support) are a service to me and other participants but are not a guarantee of safety.
8. My registration is not transferable to other people. Any attempt to transfer my entry or allow another person to participate under my name may result in total cancellation without refund, insurance being deemed void and inability to enter any future XTR Multisports/Team XTR events.
9. No refunds are offered if you wish to withdraw from the event. All entries are non transferable to other individuals, events or future events.
10. I confirm that I or all my Team members are 2021/2022 Triathlon Australia Annual Standard or Premium members OR I will purchase an applicable One Day Membership as part of the registration process that provides them a One Day Licence (ODL) for insurance purposes. I must bring proof of my relevant membership to race day check in and if I cannot prove my membership then I will be required to purchase an ODM to Triathlon Australia at race registration.
11. Event organisers may change the event format, course or other race conditions at their discretion. If that occurs, this agreement applies to the changed conditions.
12. I agree that if the event is cancelled or postponed due to storm, rain, inclement weather, winds or other ‘Act of God’ conditions, pandemic or safety concerns, or if I do not or am unable to participate in the event for any other reason, my entry fee shall be non refundable.
13. I agree to abide by all race results and directions issued by the event organiser and/or the relevant sport’s governing body.
14. I certify I will read and abide by the event terms and conditions which is available on the event website at
15. I acknowledge and consent to photographs and electronic images being taken of me before, during or after the event by an official representative of the event organiser. I acknowledge and agree that such photographs and electronic images are owned by the event organiser and that the event organiser and event sponsors may use the image for promotional use. These images, my name and my event results may be used for reporting purposes or other purposes at any time by any form of media without my further consent being necessary. The event organiser is not responsible for photographs and electronic images taken by persons who are not an official representative of the event organiser.
16. I acknowledge and consent to the event organisers providing my personal details (limited to race number, full name and email address) to the official race photographer for the purpose of promoting photographs from the event. The official race photographer will contact you via email to alert you when photos from the event are available on their website. These photos will be available for purchase.
17. I acknowledge that if I have selected to receive the XTR Multisports email newsletter that I will receive this communication including important information and event updates bi-monthly from XTR Multisports. I can opt-out at any time by clicking the relevant link in any issue of the XTR Multisports eNews. I acknowledge that if I do not wish to receive bi-monthly XTR Multisports email newsletters I will still receive an email newsletter on the week of my registered event.In the lead up to the event it is my responsibility to obtain event updates and information from the event website
18. I am fully responsible for the security of my personal possessions at the event including all valuable items within the transition area. I agree that after the promoted unsecure time of transition, I am fully responsible for any possessions I have left in the area. XTR Multisports will not be liable for replacement of any personal possessions or race equipment.
19. I acknowledge that I will receive a race timing band at all timed events which remains the property of XTR Multisports. A recorded time is not guaranteed. Should I not return my timing band to XTR Multisports I agree to reimburse them $100 for the Timing chip and $5 for the band.
20. I certify that I am 18 years of age or older, or I am the parent/legal guardian of a child under the age of 18 and I have read this document and understand and accept the terms and conditions it contains.
21. I am aware and understand that all lucky draw prizes on the day are only valid if your race number is drawn and you are personally present to receive the award at the prize giving on race day. Lucky draw prizes for entrants not present at the race day prize giving will be invalid and their will be a re-draw for that prize.